Here are five characteristics for Mindful Success
"If you wait for inspiration you'll be standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the street." -- Ben Nicholas
I've been noticing (and I'm sure you have to), while many businesses and individuals might be struggling right now, that there is also a group of businesses and individuals flourishing. I've also noticed there are some common characteristics found in these businesses and individuals who seem to be doing well during some of these uncertain times.
Here are five characteristics that stand out:
1) Help others Successed!
These individuals operate from a win/win philosophy and inherently value their business relationships (customers, employees and vendors). When you understand and appreciate this principle it allows you to create and receive value both on a short and long-term basis, as well as recognize and be in line for new opportunities that begin to present themselves.
2) Being, instead of just Doing!
These individuals have an entrepreneurial mindset. Although, it's true that when a boom is going on the entrepreneur is often leading the way, I've also noticed that when the water is high (things are going good), everything tends to even out (everyone seems to be doing well). But when it all starts to go south, it is then that entrepreneurs can rise more quickly and distinguish themselves. Their ability to take risks, be decisive, recognize and seize opportunity and to basically "create", allows them to find a way to make things happen.
3) Desire, Passion and Purpose in your life!
These individuals have an excellent work ethic and focus. In sports, if you were to ask, who in their respective sport has been a dominant figure, three immediately come to my mind - Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan and Wayne Gretsky. Beyond their remarkable ability and talent, there is also something about these three that help propel them into greatness - their fierce competitiveness and their incredible work ethic. How do you beat the most talented person in the world when they will also out work you and have a "will to win" that is not to be exceeded? Well, the same is true in business. The top performers do not get complacent. They do not rest on their laurels. And they don't decide that because they are doing well or are on top that that is good enough. Their work ethic and drive to be their personal best has allowed previous victories and momentum to carry over into more success (even in difficult times).
4) Deside to be a Mindful Success!
These individuals have made a commitment to succeed. Making a decision is the prerequisite to all successes. As Mr. Cokinos says, all good things are upstream, but the natural tendency is downstream. Commitment creates the mindset that allows us to face challenges, shut out negative circumstances and discomfort and then move upstream towards our goals.
5) Faith, the absence of fear!
These individuals operate out of faith. Without faith it is impossible to take risk. Without faith it is impossible to make investments of time and effort in the present hoping for a future reward. And without faith it is impossible to make short-term sacrifices on a consistent basis.
Faith allows you to be free to give and be your best, knowing that the reward will manifest itself sometime in the future. Faith also allows you to find the opportunity that often comes disguised in the form of a problem or challenge.
While others are "missing it" or spending their time and energy complaining, the person/school/business of faith is identifying and seizing new opportunities.
Question - how do you rate yourself in these five areas above? I would estimate much of where you find yourself today could be directly related to how well you have fared the past few years in regards to the five points above.
The good news is today is a new day, a new opportunity. Life is full of opportunities. Go For It!
(Thank you Sifu Charles R. Chi)
Sifu Anthony Pasquale
AJP Enterprise
A Mindful Wealth Group
United Martial Arts Center
Osanna Seminars
"Live with Purpose and Passion Everyday" !
Ideal Business Center
20 Locust Street, Suite 100
Danvers MA 01923
(978) 836-6501
"It's remarkable, how much mediocrity we live with, surrounding ourselves with daily reminders that the average is acceptable. Our world suffers from terminal normality. Take a moment to access all the things around you that encourage you to remain "average". These are the things that keep you powerless, unable to go beyond a limit you have arbitrarily set for yourself."
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