The Courage Within!

Hello and Great Success to all of you. This is Anthony Pasquale from United Martial Arts Center in Danvers MA and AJP Enterprise, Mindful Wealth Group. Success comes fast to those who are ready for it. So let’s get READY! I hope you enjoy this SUCCESS BLOG and subscribe. Once a month we pick one new subscriber to join our tele-conference. Tell us what you think. Thank you ~ AJP

Monday, January 3, 2011

Start the year anew with our Inner Belief Boot Camp… A dynamic 1/2-day workshop for busting through internal blocks to achieve greater prosperity

Here we are (Buckle up) 2011 January! Your going to need a fresh notebook.......

We are going to start this year together and we are going to finish this year together. I am going to encourage you to pass this on to as many people as possible to follow this blog, I would like to create a movement towards Success, Wealth and the Lifestyle you have always desired. I have come across some amazing life changing principles that I want to share with you. We are doing this for 52 weeks, get as many people as you can to view this and let's see if we can create a COME BACK!

Since I started my own journey I have been studying with a couple of folks, one a PHD in human behavior with 40 years experiece and  another who is a Life Transition Coach. I also receive points of view from various colleges that I feel have a level of success in areas of expertise, wealth and lifestyle.

Currently in my local area I have been  facilitating workshops with great success on creating vision boards, vision statements, goal setting and breaking through barriers. And here is the newest one!

Start the year anew with our Inner Belief Boot Camp… A dynamic 1/2-day workshop for busting through internal blocks to achieve greater prosperity

Saturday January 22 1 :00 to 3:30 p.m.

Location: Ideal Business Center, 20 Locust Street Danvers, MA

Space is limited, Register now by calling 800-820-7632 to assure you get a seat. A 50 percent deposit is required upon registration. Cost is $50 (This is a $600 value if coached individually by both facilitators).

Learn the science of rewiring your brain for ongoing success!
“Positive thoughts have a profound effect on behavior and genes, but only when they are in harmony with subconscious programming….When it comes to sheer neurological processing abilities, the subconscious mind is millions of time more powerful than the conscious mind.” –Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., The Biology of Belief.
New Year’s resolutions do not work! Instead, they place you on a roller coaster where you are upone day and down the next. You become afraid, fearful and you retreat into the SAME OLD SAME OLD. So what happens? You hide, you don’t think about the person YOU ARE DESTINED to become. You get lost in the same bad habits, over and over again. You think to yourself “I know I can be more!”

Listen carefully! There is a science behind becoming WEALTHY, being HAPPY and having a HEALTHY, LOVING RELATIONSHIP. That’s right — a science. That means a proven scientific way of rewiring the mind to BREAK THROUGH THOSE HIDDEN BELIEFS that do not serve you and teach your mind to accept and allow you to move with confidence toward your every goal.

Imagine waking up every morning KNOWING you can reach your dreams, with a vision so strong you are inspired to take the right actions to follow through towards the outcomes you desire. No longer will you wonder “What if?” Now your internal responses will be “I CAN,” “I CHOOSE,” “I AM COMMITTED!”
This half-day workshop will be taught by belief change expert and life coach Gail Jones from and the author of To Hell and Back…Healing Your Way Through Transition and motivational leader Anthony Pasquale from The Mindful Wealth Group and the Courage Within.
We look forward to helping empower you to live the life of your dreams from the inside out–where real change happens.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Getting Ready for 2011 ! Setting up for Success!

Hello this is Anthony J. Pasquale from The Mindful Wealth Group and Danvers Martial Arts Center. 
I mention the martial arts because like the martial arts I am always studying what is Success. I have been studying martial arts for over 22 years. I often wonder if martial arts is what gave me that edge to want to do more with my life. I have been thinking about this blog and trying something very interesting.

If you are like me of course you want more out of life. I bet that in your mind you have that picture of the perfect lifestyle? Well what if we did this together. That's right! A study of Success, everyday doing something towards that life you have always wanted.

So I am going to do a blog series for the next year on Success.

What is Success?

What does someone need to become successful?

What makes one person strive to succeed and another person give up?

What do I really believe about success, Do I have what it takes?

How do I start and reach my success?

I have studied the best of the best trying to find that common denominator that makes the difference. Here are some of the points that have made a great difference in my life and why I get to have the lifestyle that I have now.

Let's face it - everybody wants to be successful, everybody wants
to achieve their goals and live their dreams.

But not everybody is successful. Why is that?

Not everybody achieves their goals and not everybody gets to live
their dreams.

So why do so few succeed?

Scientists, researchers and academics have been studying this question for decades and the conclusion they all reach is that those who succeed follow a simple formula. Those who fail - don't follow the same formula, and prefer to work with their own, unproven formula because they feel they just know better or maybe they are afraid of trying something new. I would ever venture to say that some are afraid of success.

One of the biggest questions becomes " Are we afraid of success or maybe it's failure? " I ask this because our first response is "NO! I want success, I want to be successful! I want to be Happy, I want to be in Love" and this maybe true BUT your subconscious might say differently. So we are going to have to understand how the Mind works and where does the Mind get it's information to answer this question. So I am going to find  some professionals to help answer this question.

I look forward from hearing from you, and let's take this journey together.

Anthony Pasquale

AJP Enterprise
A Mindful Wealth Group
United Martial Arts Center
Osanna Seminars

"Live with Purpose and Passion Everyday" !

"It's remarkable, how much mediocrity we live with, surrounding ourselves with daily reminders that the average is acceptable. Our world suffers from terminal normality. Take a moment to access all the things around you that encourage you to remain "average". These are the things that keep you powerless, unable to go beyond a limit you have arbitrarily set for yourself."


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Failure is not an option!

Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time. -– George Bernard Shaw

"Failure is not an option" was the tag line for the film, "Apollo 13." In fact, if you go to the souvenir shop at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, you can purchase shirts, license plates, bumper stickers, and so on with this quote emblazoned on them.

Okay, I'll confess. I bought a license plate that now hangs on the wall of my office. What if we modify this statement and instead ask, "Is failure an option?" If you think about it carefully you will find that the answer is Yes! I'm guessing that many of you are surprised by my answer. I'll also bet that many of you are terrified of failure, so much to the degree that you would never attempt to try anything new -- no matter how small or large.

Let me ask you this…if you aren't willing to risk and make mistakes, how will you ever learn and grow? Failure is part of the process of learning anything. You can gain far more knowledge from failure, much more than from your successes and triumphs. You will more often find out what will work by learning from your mistakes. When you begin to work on any new venture, you are going to run into difficulties.

Those who are successful in overcoming failure never lose their nerve, go to pieces, or lose control of themselves. And they never give up on finding a solution. They also never define themselves as a failure. The most successful people fail well and fail gracefully. Look at any great inventor, and you will find that they failed far more than they succeeded. When you look at the very best athletes, you will find many who lose more contests than they win.

Or salespeople who are the very best at what they do. They know that for every sale they make, they will experience far more rejections. In the same way that you learn to win, learn to fail. When you realize that failure is a normal part of life and learning, you will be more accepting of yourself, and your self-esteem and outlook will improve.

Amar Gopal Bose, the founder of Bose Corporation, said, "No one ever won a chess game by betting on each move. Sometimes you have to move backward to get a step forward." Change your approach to thinking of failure as being equal to a negative outcome. We all fail. If you can learn from, rather than break under, the pressure of failure, you will achieve far more than those that do not.

Thanks Sifu Charles Chi

Anthony Pasquale
AJP Enterprise
A Mindful Wealth Group
United Martial Arts Center
Osanna Seminars

"Live with Purpose and Passion Everyday" !

Ideal Business Center
20 Locust Street, Suite 100
Danvers MA 01923
(978) 836-6501

"It's remarkable, how much mediocrity we live with, surrounding ourselves with daily reminders that the average is acceptable. Our world suffers from terminal normality. Take a moment to access all the things around you that encourage you to remain "average". These are the things that keep you powerless, unable to go beyond a limit you have arbitrarily set for yourself."

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

"You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great." --Les Brown Thinking is good, yes it is.

I strongly encourage thinking. In fact, thinking plays a terrific role in success. It helps you strategize. It helps you get motivated. It tunes you into success. I am all for thinking and I do it regularly!

That being said, just thinking, no matter how good of a thinker you are, will never catapult you to success. The difference between the thinker who succeeds and the thinker who doesn't is that the thinker who succeeds also ACTS! Life does not reward thinking. Life rewards action.

Let me clarify: Life rewards thoughtful action. Think first, by all means...
But then ACT!

Do you want to gain wealth? Then save your money - ACT!

Do you want to lose weight? Then hit the treadmill - ACT!

Do you want new students? Then get advice from successful schools owners - ACT!

Do you want to write a book? Then begin to write - ACT!

Do you want a new friend? Then introduce yourself - ACT!

Anything you want to accomplish will only be done by bold and decisive action. Wishing won't bring it about. Neither will dreaming. Nor will hoping. Nope, you must ACT.

What is it you want from life? Tell me. Be specific. Be clear. Think about it. Strategize. Roll it around inside that noggin of yours.
Got it? Good.

Now what? What will you DO to turn that non-physical electrical impulse we call a thought into a physical reality? There is only one thing: ACTION. Will you succeed? Will you achieve your dreams? Will you live the life that you want? Only you can make that decision because only you can decide whether or not you will act.

My friends, life rewards action. Your actions do not need to be perfect. They just need to be. And then they get rewarded with success. With achievement.

Accomplishment. You have the power within you to lead YOUR life as you see it. There is only one question you must answer for yourself: Will I act? Because Life Rewards Action.

Thanks Sifu Charles Chi

Anthony Pasquale
AJP Enterprise
A Mindful Wealth Group
United Martial Arts Center
Osanna Seminars

"Live with Purpose and Passion Everyday" !

Ideal Business Center
20 Locust Street, Suite 100
Danvers MA 01923
(978) 836-6501

"It's remarkable, how much mediocrity we live with, surrounding ourselves with daily reminders that the average is acceptable. Our world suffers from terminal normality. Take a moment to access all the things around you that encourage you to remain "average". These are the things that keep you powerless, unable to go beyond a limit you have arbitrarily set for yourself."

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Motivation is the Key to Success!

Be willing to say to yourself, "I'm on the right road. I'm doing OK. I'm succeeding." Motivation is the key to Success!!!

We too frequently become adept at pointing out our flaws and identifying failures. Become equally adept at citing your achievements. Identify things you are doing now that you weren't doing one month ago… six months ago… a year ago. What habits have changed? Chart your progress. Doing well once or twice is relatively easy.

Continuously moving ahead is tough, in part, because we so easily revert to old habits and former lifestyles. Over the long run, you need to give yourself regular feedback to monitor your performance and reinforce yourself positively. Don’t wait for an award ceremony, promotion, friend or mentor to show appreciation for your work. Take pride in your own efforts on a daily basis.

Keep the end result in sight. Always see the big picture of the ultimate goal you're working for and the benefits that come with it. During World War II, parachutes were being constructed by the thousands. From the workers point of view, the job was tedious and repetitive. (Like Doing the same Kata over and over again.) It involved crouching over a sewing machine eight to ten hours a day, stitching endless lengths of colorless fabric.

The result was a seamless heap of cloth. But every morning the workers were reminded that each stitch was part of a life-saving operation. As they sewed, they were asked to think that this might be the parachute worn by their husband, brother or son. Although the work was hard and the hours long, the women and men on the assembly line understood their contribution to the larger picture. The same should be true with your work. Each thing you do benefits the health and well being of adults and children throughout the world, not just generally, but specifically.

These are the visions that drive us through tedious details to the top. Set up a dynamic daily routine. Getting into a positive routine or groove, instead of a negative rut, will help you become more effective. Why is the subway the most energy efficient means of transportation? Because it runs on a track.

Think of the order in your day, instead of the routine.

Order is not sameness, neatness or everything exactly in its place.
Order is not taking on more than you can manage, without still being able to do what you really choose.
Order is the opposite of complication; it's simplification.
Order is not wasting a lot of time trying to find things.
Order is avoiding a lot of recriminations because you didn't do something you promised.
Order is setting an effective agenda with others, so neither of you is disappointed. Order is doing in a day what you set out to do.
Order frees you up. Get into the swing of a healthy, daily routine and discover how much more control you’ll gain in your life.

Thanks Sifu Charles Chi

Anthony Pasquale
AJP Enterprise
A Mindful Wealth Group
United Martial Arts Center
Osanna Seminars

"Live with Purpose and Passion Everyday" !

Ideal Business Center
20 Locust Street, Suite 100
Danvers MA 01923
(978) 836-6501

"It's remarkable, how much mediocrity we live with, surrounding ourselves with daily reminders that the average is acceptable. Our world suffers from terminal normality. Take a moment to access all the things around you that encourage you to remain "average". These are the things that keep you powerless, unable to go beyond a limit you have arbitrarily set for yourself."

Friday, September 11, 2009

BECOME WITHIN! It's the little steps that count.

"Success and failure comes in pairs. Either you have a pair of aces called 'Resolve and Undenied'... or a pair of jokers called 'Wishing and Won't-ing'... your hand to play." -- Doug Firebaugh

I would like to briefly talk about how you can BECOME MORE in your life.

This is a mental technique you can use immediately to begin to 'tap into' that incredible inner power you all have within you, but many of you haven't yet used.

Those of us who have a 'hunger' to improve our lives, become the person we want to be, have all the things we want to have, and do what we want to do for the rest of our lives seem to have a problem 'opening that door' that puts it all together for us.

If you went for a swim from the shore of a lake to a diving raft located about 50 yards out from the shore what would happen if you stopped in the middle 25 yards from the shore and 25 yards from the raft?

You would be 'treading water. You're afloat and you're comfortable, but you aren't going any where.

You're not making any progress. Too often in our lives it seems we are 'treading water.' And usually it is a result of us BEING what we are USED TO BEING, and no more than that.

Most people operate on 7%-15% of the power of their mind. This is normal, so don't freak out. We tend to get into an 'auto-pilot' stage of life and we aren't necessarily going backward, but we aren't going forward either. We all WANT to go forward as this natural human desire, but the 'pull' of daily life keeps us in this 'treading water' mode.

So how do we stop treading water and move forward to get where we want to go?

Why not 'consciously decide' in your heart and mind that you are going to BECOME MORE than what you are used to 'being?' When you go to work or school tomorrow say to yourself "I'm going to BECOME MORE today than I am used to being each day." Then have confidence in your talents and abilities and creativity and DO a little extra than what you are normally used to doing.

Consciously search for little things that you could do that you normally don't, or won't, do.

Whether it's a small action you could take at work/school, or a compliment you could pay to a co-worker or boss, or some type of extra help you could give to someone, when you decide you are going to BECOME MORE than what you usually are, you begin to 'tap into' a portion of that other 85% of your mind power you aren't using.

Your empathy and compassion for others begins to increase.

Your awareness of your own abilities and talents begins to increase.

Your self-respect begins to increase.

Your awareness of your inner power begins to increase.

Your outlook and attitude of the immediate world around you that you live in begins to change.

Your 'wisdom' about life begins to increase.

You don't have to make 'major' changes about how you go about living your daily life to BECOME MORE. But you do need to begin to make 'small' changes. When you decide to make 'small' changes they add up over a short period of time and end up resulting in 'major' changes in your life.

It's like throwing a couple quarters in a jar daily. After a short period of time you end up having a significant amount of money saved up.

Why not 'consciously decide' to BECOME MORE than what you're normally used to being just a little each day and enjoy a significant increase in the quality of your life? By deciding in your mind to BECOME MORE a little each day you will be 'tapping into' that other 85% of your unused inner power and good things will begin to appear in your life.

You will become more abundant and prosperous. You will begin to be happier. You will find more peace and joy. Your relationships with others will be more fulfilling. Your self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-confidence will increase. Opportunities that were previously 'hidden' from you will become more 'clear.' Your physical health will be much better. Worry and doubt will begin to disappear.

You will become closer to attaining your goals and having your desires in life. So when you leave your home tomorrow tell yourself you are going to BECOME MORE today than you were yesterday. REMEMBER THOSE 2 WORDS and say them to yourself as many times as you can throughout your day tomorrow.

Then make it a habit to search for ways you can BECOME MORE each and every day of your life and you will 'tap into' into the incredible unused inner power that lies within each and every one of you...

Thanks Sifu Charles Chi

Sifu Anthony Pasquale
AJP Enterprise
A Mindful Wealth Group
United Martial Arts Center
Osanna Seminars

"Live with Purpose and Passion Everyday" !

Ideal Business Center
20 Locust Street, Suite 100
Danvers MA 01923
(978) 836-6501

"It's remarkable, how much mediocrity we live with, surrounding ourselves with daily reminders that the average is acceptable. Our world suffers from terminal normality. Take a moment to access all the things around you that encourage you to remain "average". These are the things that keep you powerless, unable to go beyond a limit you have arbitrarily set for yourself."

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Here are five characteristics for Mindful Success

"If you wait for inspiration you'll be standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the street." -- Ben Nicholas

I've been noticing (and I'm sure you have to), while many businesses and individuals might be struggling right now, that there is also a group of businesses and individuals flourishing. I've also noticed there are some common characteristics found in these businesses and individuals who seem to be doing well during some of these uncertain times.

Here are five characteristics that stand out:

1) Help others Successed!

These individuals operate from a win/win philosophy and inherently value their business relationships (customers, employees and vendors). When you understand and appreciate this principle it allows you to create and receive value both on a short and long-term basis, as well as recognize and be in line for new opportunities that begin to present themselves.

2) Being, instead of just Doing!

These individuals have an entrepreneurial mindset. Although, it's true that when a boom is going on the entrepreneur is often leading the way, I've also noticed that when the water is high (things are going good), everything tends to even out (everyone seems to be doing well). But when it all starts to go south, it is then that entrepreneurs can rise more quickly and distinguish themselves. Their ability to take risks, be decisive, recognize and seize opportunity and to basically "create", allows them to find a way to make things happen.

3) Desire, Passion and Purpose in your life!

These individuals have an excellent work ethic and focus. In sports, if you were to ask, who in their respective sport has been a dominant figure, three immediately come to my mind - Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan and Wayne Gretsky. Beyond their remarkable ability and talent, there is also something about these three that help propel them into greatness - their fierce competitiveness and their incredible work ethic. How do you beat the most talented person in the world when they will also out work you and have a "will to win" that is not to be exceeded? Well, the same is true in business. The top performers do not get complacent. They do not rest on their laurels. And they don't decide that because they are doing well or are on top that that is good enough. Their work ethic and drive to be their personal best has allowed previous victories and momentum to carry over into more success (even in difficult times).

4) Deside to be a Mindful Success!

These individuals have made a commitment to succeed. Making a decision is the prerequisite to all successes. As Mr. Cokinos says, all good things are upstream, but the natural tendency is downstream. Commitment creates the mindset that allows us to face challenges, shut out negative circumstances and discomfort and then move upstream towards our goals.

5) Faith, the absence of fear!

These individuals operate out of faith. Without faith it is impossible to take risk. Without faith it is impossible to make investments of time and effort in the present hoping for a future reward. And without faith it is impossible to make short-term sacrifices on a consistent basis.

Faith allows you to be free to give and be your best, knowing that the reward will manifest itself sometime in the future. Faith also allows you to find the opportunity that often comes disguised in the form of a problem or challenge.

While others are "missing it" or spending their time and energy complaining, the person/school/business of faith is identifying and seizing new opportunities.

Question - how do you rate yourself in these five areas above? I would estimate much of where you find yourself today could be directly related to how well you have fared the past few years in regards to the five points above.

The good news is today is a new day, a new opportunity. Life is full of opportunities. Go For It!

(Thank you Sifu Charles R. Chi)

Sifu Anthony Pasquale
AJP Enterprise
A Mindful Wealth Group
United Martial Arts Center
Osanna Seminars

"Live with Purpose and Passion Everyday" !

Ideal Business Center
20 Locust Street, Suite 100
Danvers MA 01923
(978) 836-6501

"It's remarkable, how much mediocrity we live with, surrounding ourselves with daily reminders that the average is acceptable. Our world suffers from terminal normality. Take a moment to access all the things around you that encourage you to remain "average". These are the things that keep you powerless, unable to go beyond a limit you have arbitrarily set for yourself."